Vision Correction

Which Vision Correction Option Is Best for You?

Professional Eye Care - Optometry PA is the local eye care business that can provide treatment, consultation, and referrals for vision correction surgeries and procedures. Vision correction is not for everyone, and depending on your eyes, we will determine which procedure you are most comfortable with. Before the vision correction procedure takes place, we will need to perform an eye exam to determine if it is safe for you. Regular eye exams not only help with determining your prescription but can also check the health of you eyes and ensure vision correction is an option. Once we determine that the procedure is safe, we can schedule an appointment. If you are feeling anxious at all, our team will answer any questions you may have and put you at ease. Each procedure is safe and will be conducted by the most skilled professionals.

If you are experiencing any vision problems, including blurry vision or weak vision at night, reach out to our highly trained staff today. Our vision correction solutions can be tailor-made for your exact issues and help to alleviate your eye problems. Throughout Hope Mills & Fayetteville, NC, our family optometrists, and eye care specialists are sought-after for their vision correction solutions. We are here to make your life better through the treatment that best suits your needs. Contact us today to learn more about our vision problem solutions.

Your Options Include…


  • Corneal Reshaping/Orthokeratology: This procedure is a good option if you suffer from nearsightedness and/or mild astigmatism. Through this procedure, we will gently reshape the cornea with special contact lenses, which the patient places in his or her eyes overnight. A successful procedure will have the patient seeing clearly without contact lenses or eyeglasses. However, sometimes the patient will have to wear lenses regularly at night to maintain optimal results.
  • LASIK (Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis): LASIK uses a laser beam to reshape the cornea. If you are nearsighted, farsighted, or astigmatic, your vision could benefit from this type of procedure.
  • Low Vision Therapy: This type of therapy helps people who cannot have their vision corrected with contact lenses, eyeglasses, medication, or surgery. Common causes of low vision include macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, inherited retinal degenerative diseases, glaucoma, and optic nerve atrophy. We will prescribe low vision devices and train you in their use.


Schedule an appointment for an eye exam in the Fayetteville, NC region today, and we will help you decide which procedure or surgery is best for your eye needs.

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